Raise your hopeful voice
you have a choice
You've made it now
男的忘不了前女友,卻又想進一步,女的已婚帶有孩子,真是”fuckingly surprised”(劇中語),但他們沒有退避,始終讓結他和鋼琴相遇。我覺得這個故事說不出的浪漫,可能因為浪漫就是拒絕去想像結局,而捉緊選擇的當兒。
If you want me, satisfy me
最近夜裡喜歡讀比較heavy的哲學書,我在看Levinas的Totality and Infinity-An Essay on Exteriority,其中有一章叫Phenomenology of Eros,對情愛和愛撫的分析很是有趣:
In the possession of the Other I possess the Other inasmuch as he possesses me; I am both slave and master. Voluptuosity would be extinguished in possession. (p.265)
Love accordingly does not represent a particular case of friendship. Love and friendship are not only felt differently; their correlative differs: friendship goes unto the Other; love seeks what does not have the structure of an existent, the infinitely future, what is to be engendered. I love fully only if the Other loves me, not because I need the recognition of the Other, but because my voluptuosity delights in his voluptuosity... (p.266)
The unity of plurality is peace, and not the coherence of the elements that constitute plurality. Peace therefore cannot be identified with the end of combats that cease for want of combatants, by the defeat of some and the victory of the others, that is, with cementaries or future universal empires. Peace must be my peace in a relation that starts from an I and goes to the other, in desire and goodness, where the I both maintains itself and exists without egoism. (P.306)